The Social and Cultural Sustainability provisions include:
- Child centered pedagogic practice.
- Supporting the development of self-awareness, agency and belonging.
- Respect and solidarity with communities and cultures.
- An emphasis on commonalities providing the foundations for celebrations of diversity and difference.
- The encouragement of communicative competence and language awareness.
- Encouraging individual involvement and collaboration in community life and projects.
- Commitment to ongoing development of policy and practice.
The Environmental Sustainability provisions include:
- Involvement of parents/adult volunteers, environmental interest and action groups.
- Continuous close engagement with the natural environment.
- Care and maintenance of animals, plants and the environment.
- Planting, growing and harvesting for consumption.
- Community support and engagement.
- Celebration of achievements in environmental sustainability at a local and wider level.
- Commitment to ongoing development of policy and practice.
The Economic Sustainability Provisions include:
- Child involvement in resource conservation, recycling, reuse and repair.
- Sustainable individual and collective consumption.
- Support for emergent financial awareness.
- Quantification, exchange and tallying.
- The modelling of mini-social enterprise projects.
- Commitment to ongoing development of policy and practice.
Silver and Gold Level Award Audits
While the ‘Three Pillar’ structure continues to be applied at both Silver and Gold levels for auditing purposes it is intended that projects increasingly model, and involve the children in integrated problem solving activities that recognize the interdependency of all three concerns. Particular demands are also made at the Silver and Gold level to reduce carbon footprints, and to work towards developing global North-South collaborations that contribute directly to carbon convergence and contraction.