Are you doing worthwhile work to promote Education for Sustainable Development? Are you also a member of OMEP UK? World OMEP are looking for worthwhile ESD projects in their annual competition where you can win funding to assist you in attending the next World Conference to present your project!
World OMEP will select up to five projects for its 2020 Education for Sustainable Development Awards to be featured at the 2020 World Conference in Athens, Greece! There will also be five awards for students too! Want to know more? Keep reading…
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) ranks among OMEP’s highest priorities. Since 2010 World OMEP has sponsored a travel award competition for outstanding ESD projects by OMEP members.
We invite all OMEP members to submit their proposals for the 2020 award.
Competition Guidelines for the 2020 ESD TRAVEL Award
- Proposals must be submitted in English and include all information on the ESD Award Proposal Form.
- Proposals must be received via email by March 13, 2020. Proposals will not be accepted after the deadline. See submission details below.
- Proposals may be for projects involving (a) work directly with children between birth and age 8, with preference for children younger than 6 years of age; and/or (b) work in pre-service or in-service teacher education focusing on education for sustainable development.
- Proposals must be for recent or ongoing projects that (a) have been implemented between 2017 and March 13, 2020; and (b) will have produced substantial results or be fully completed by June 2020. Project proposals must include information on project activities, number of participants, outcomes and impact.
- Project activities and outcomes must relate specifically to one or more aspects of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #4, with links to other SDGs as appropriate.
- Project aims, activities, pedagogies, and outcomes must relate specifically to one or more components of sustainability: (a) healthy environments; (b) viable economies; and/or (c) equitable, just, and peaceful societies.
- Additional criteria for selection (a) have a clear description of the project and related activities, (b) be consistent with high quality ECEC and ESD practice, (c) be innovative and (d) be of high interest to others in the field of early childhood.
- The ESD Leadership Committee will review all proposals. Between 1 and 5 projects will be selected, with geographic representation as one selection criterion. Winner(s) will be notified by April 2020.
Travel Awards
Winners will receive funding to assist with travel to OMEP’s 2020 World Conference. Winners will also be expected to present their work at a parallel session during the conference. Winning projects will be uploaded on the World OMEP website.
Submission Deadline: March 13, 2020
If you are interested in applying then please email us at in the first instance so we can send you the proposal form. Submit your proposal by March 13, 2020 as an email attachment to both of the following: Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson at and Glynne Mackey at Inquiries should also be sent to these email addresses.
Additional information and updates are available
on the World OMEP website under the Practice tab: